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  • Seeking Hope: Stories of the Suicide Bereaved

Seeking Hope: Stories of the Suicide Bereaved


Seeking Hope: Stories of the Suicide Bereaved


Surviving suicide loss is often about telling the story. Each person who dies by suicide leaves behind a life shared with loved ones and a series of events that led to the suicide. Seeking Hope: Stories of the Suicide Bereaved features the stories of fourteen people in their own words of the losses that have forever changed their lives. These stories describe the endurance of travelingthrough grief. In addition, the proceeds from the book benefit a fund for suicide bereavement research at the American Association of Suicidology. The goal is that the stories shared here will help others who also must travel the same journey seeking hope after a devastating loss.

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Surviving suicide loss is often about telling the story. Each person who dies by suicide leaves behind a life shared with loved ones and a series of events that led to the suicide. Seeking Hope: Stories of the Suicide Bereaved features the stories of fourteen people in their own words of the losses that have forever changed their lives. These stories describe the endurance of travelingthrough grief. In addition, the proceeds from the book benefit a fund for suicide bereavement research at the American Association of Suicidology. The goal is that the stories shared here will help others who also must travel the same journey seeking hope after a devastating loss.